One of the first and most important decisions a business owner will make in creating their business is deciding the correct business structure for their business. Rosales & Rosales helps you decide just that. There are many advantages and some disadvantages to each type of structure available to you in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Depending upon your needs as the owner, we offer sound advice and years in service to business owners throughout the state. Massachusetts offers numerous options around the formation of your business and we can offer service surrounding the formation of the business structures listed below.
Rosales & Rosales attorneys are committed to you as the client, we want to ensure you make the most informed decision when it comes to the formation of your business. Our attorneys can describe the specific advantages and disadvantages of each type of business formation. We use our years of accumulated knowledge to help you form a business that is tailored around your long term goals. We also make sure that you have the appropriate paperwork filled out and filed for your business.
In addtion to the formation of your business there are going to be quite a few things you may also want to consider. Corporate record maintenance and compliance may require some additional consultation. Rosales & Rosales Attorneys are here to serve you as the client. Also, when establishing a business, you may want to consider succession planning. Having a carefully thought out plan in place to help ensure a seamless transition and the future of your business. For more informatin on succession planning.
Succession Planning
Please contact us if you would like learn more about how we can help you.